It's an old video

It was only now that the young girl had the time to look at the time.

It was six in the morning, so early!

Where on earth had li junyu gone to at this time?

The young girl didn't know, and she didn't have time to think about it.

She forced her sore and swollen body to go into the cloakroom to change.

When ruan Mengmeng accidentally walked past the full-body mirror in the cloakroom ...

Her eyes accidentally fell on the mirror. Her collarbones, heart, chest, and even her soft and slender waist were all covered in li junyu's deep and shallow hickeys.

He could guess how intense they were in bed last night just by looking at the red and purple marks on her body.

The young girl's moist and bright almond-shaped eyes trembled slightly. She looked up at the full-body mirror and saw a face that was about to bloom.

Her almond-shaped eyes were more watery and attractive than usual.