Severing ties

Ruan Mengmeng's hand, which was holding the appraisal book, drooped down weakly.

That piece of paper spun and fell to the ground.

Ruan zhaotian, who had been trying his best to stop Qin Fang, suddenly stopped moving.

He looked at ruan Mengmeng, at the young girl who was once as optimistic and cheerful as a little sun, and the light in his eyes disappeared bit by bit.

She always had a smile on her face, and her watery and bright almond-shaped eyes gradually dimmed.

The young girl lowered her head and stared at the ground. Her expression was numb and dull, and no one knew what she was thinking ...

At that moment, ruan Jiaojiao saw that the appraisal book had fallen to the ground. She immediately went over to pick it up.

She quickly picked up the test report and handed it to Madame ruan.

it's the real Zhenzhen, it's not Zhenzhen. Madame ruan had also seen the contents of the test report.