Back to the place where she had lived for thirteen years

hey, the patient is asking you to wait a minute. You haven't paid the hospital fees yet, how can you leave? "

The funny thing was that ruan Mengmeng and Chen Qingzhi were stopped by the nurse the moment they left the ward.

The reason was simple. When the nurse saw ruan Mengmeng carrying a school bag and a duffel bag in her hand, she thought that they were running away because they could not afford the hospital fees.

Chen Qingzhi had never been so embarrassed before. She felt like she had been bullied by a dog, and her eyes turned red again in anger.

Ruan Mengmeng couldn't stand it anymore and quickly asked them to wait for a while. She would be back after she paid the money.

Chen Qingzhi looked at ruan Mengmeng's figure as she ran away to pay the bill, then at the nurse who had her eyes on the top of her head and was looking down on her.

The fire in her heart burned even more fiercely!