User 333 has requested to add you as a friend

However, it was already past eight o 'clock that night.

It was already 8:10 a. M., But the legendary Golden Dragon King had yet to land.

Not to mention, every night after boss 333's 'mean three times in a row', the audience would be banned by waist-length girls.

It had already been 10 minutes, but it still hadn't started.

The onlookers were about to protest!

[333 where's the big boss?]

[Big Boss, let me see your little hands ~]

[boss, we're begging for tips. We're all your little puppies waiting to be fed.]

For a time, the comments were all over the screen.

Some were asking questions, some were questioning, some were suspicious, and some were cursing.

At this moment, the girl's clear voice sounded, " everyone, there's no need to wait for the dragon egg to drop. I've already applied to the superadministrator for user 333's account and permanently sealed his ID and IP.

Id meant account.