Chapter 1105-delivery

"Mom, why are you looking at me?" Ruan Mengmeng lowered her head to drink her soup, then looked up at Chen Qingzhi with her watery almond-shaped eyes.

The young girl had long been used to the contrast between Chen Qingzhi's disgust and concern for her.

In the beginning, he was still not used to it.

But now, the more time she spent with her mother, the more she understood that her mother was a woman who said no, but her body was not honest, and she was a little tsundere.

"Nothing, Yingluo, nothing much. Yingluo's mother just wanted to see you."

Chen Qingzhi thought of the hickeys she had seen on Mengmeng's body, and the more she thought about it, the more she suspected that li junyu had touched her daughter.

At that time, she had thought that the two of them were at most in an ambiguous relationship and had not progressed to that stage.

However, even though the girl had cut her hair short, she still looked like a rose covered with morning dew.