Chapter 1138-Beibei God's help

On the other side, in the CEO's office of imperial glory technology.

Even Ling bei's conscience would hurt if he touched it. After he finally managed to type out that line of text for ruan Mengmeng, his phone was confiscated by li junyu.

Li junyu placed a piece of paper in front of him.

"Write down the account number and password for 'Beibei I love you', as well as your WeChat account and the password for your phone."

The man's well-defined fingers gently knocked on the table.

Ling bei trembled in fear. Without any hesitation, he picked up a pen and submitted all his bank accounts.

After he was done, li junyu unlocked Ling bei's phone with the password and gave it a try.

Then, she took out her phone and opened a world map on the internet and passed it to Ling bei.

Ling bei was speechless.

"Close your eyes and point with your finger," li junyu said coldly.

"Point, point at the map?" Ling bei was confused and his mind was filled with question marks.