Chapter 1153-pretending to cry was exposed

Ruan Mengmeng explained calmly when she saw the suspicious looks on the seniors 'faces.

because her crying just now was fake. The way she is crying now is real.

"Whether a person is really crying or faking it, I believe that all the seniors present here will understand better than me, a first-year student at the drama Academy. When you guys were in acting class, you must have seriously simulated Yingluo."

"You said that I bullied her and even said that I pushed her to the next table on purpose to hurt her. From the sound of it, she was indeed very pitiful. But didn't you guys notice the problem? If she was really the victim, why did she pretend to cry? If she was really bullied, wronged, and wronged, she should be crying like this ..."

instead, I'm just pretending to shed a few drops of pearls and cry like a Pear Blossom bathed in rain so that you can sympathize with me!