I heard that she's young master Li's favorite sister

"Mengmeng, what's wrong?"

Song Yiman was the first to notice ruan Mengmeng's abnormal behavior.

An chaochao followed the girl's stunned gaze and saw the luxurious and conspicuous military Hummer.

She thought that ruan Mengmeng was surprised by the car and how it had entered the campus.

"It's true that our school doesn't allow cars to enter and leave, but that's only for ordinary people," he quickly explained. That car!"

An chaochao narrowed her eyes. She saw that the pass placed in front of the military Hummer's windshield was blue with silver edges and golden embroidery. She immediately understood.

that's the car of our school's management Office. Other than the deans and headmasters of the school, only the people from the management office can drive into the university campus.

The school's management, of course it's the school's management.