Strong enough to kill a bull


Just as the counselor, teacher Zhang, was done with his sonorous and powerful lecture on this group of students, thinking that no one would dare to challenge his authority ...

A clear and melodious voice came from the back of the classroom.

"Teacher Zhang urged me to ask for leave." Ruan Mengmeng forced herself to stand up.

The counselor,"Wanwan."

Counselor old Zhang had never expected that he would say such a long and impassioned speech just to establish his prestige in the class.

In just a second, a delicate little girl ran out and wanted to oppose him!

As a strict counselor, teacher Zhang was naturally unhappy.

"Leave? what right do you have to ask for leave? Look at you, you can stand and walk, and you have all four limbs. You don't look like you need to take leave at all, Yingluo. Hurry up and sit down, don't mess around!"

Ruan Mengmeng lowered her head and blushed.