Finding the 'mastermind'

As for the young girl who had been tagged by counselor Zhang, she still didn't know what had happened.

Ruan Mengmeng was looking after Yu sui and tracking down the person who had given her the QQ virus with a nervous expression on her face.

She had also seen the post about ruan Jiaojiao and Chen niyun earlier today.

However, he was in a different mood from the others.

Ruan Mengmeng could tell at a glance that ruan Jiaojiao and Shen niyun's privacy being exposed was definitely related to the person who gave her the virus that day.

They were probably the same as her, having received the virus.

But she was lucky, because the security firewall of the Guilin club had alerted her, and 333 had wiped out the virus for her in time.

Otherwise, it was very likely that her chat history and even her private identity as 'wait for my hair to reach my waist' would be revealed.

He would also be exposed like ruan Jiaojiao and Chen niyun.