What exactly did she do last night?!

I don't like you, let's get a divorce, Yingluo.

I don't like you, let's get a divorce, Yingluo.

Ruan Mengmeng only remembered that she held her breath and stared at the teddy bear after she said that.

Her heart was beating faster and faster, so fast that it was about to jump out of her chest.

After that, the alcohol rushed up, and her vision turned black. She couldn't remember anything.


When she woke up, it was already the next day.

The young girl who had just woken up raised her hand to block the sunlight that was shining in from the window.

She forced her almond-shaped eyes open and finally saw where she was.

This was her room in the Guilin club. She was sleeping on the bed, still wearing the team uniform she had worn at the party last night.

MMM, " ruan Mengmeng muttered softly, her head throbbing.

She sat up on the bed and suddenly remembered that she had said a lot of things that she should not have said last night.