How could he say such misleading words in public!

As the top private university in s country, Wisdom Academy was full of talents.

Hence, each Academy would report and perform separately.

Today was the day that the drama Academy would present their results.

It had already attracted many socialites, high-ranking officials, and dignitaries.

Not to mention, when everyone heard that the secretive eldest young master of the Li family had agreed to attend as well.

All of them were trying their best to get a spot.

However, Wisdom Academy's events were only open to the public.


On the podium today, other than the school leaders, important officials from the Ministry of Education, and high-ranking military generals, only a few prominent social celebrities were qualified to sit with young master Li.

"That seat is young master Li's, right?"

"I heard that young master Li is coming today. Is that true?"

On the platform, everyone had already taken their seats.