Only she would dare to glare at young master Li in the whole world

On the stage, the autumn wind was blowing.

It was already the end of September. Even though the sun was warm and warm, ruan Mengmeng, who had a stomach ache, was still covered in cold sweat.

Not to mention, she felt like she was sitting on pins and needles.

The palms on his shoulders were frighteningly hot, and his exposed arms and calves were cold from the wind.

Under the 'torture' of being hot and cold, ruan Mengmeng felt that even her heart was tormented.

However, it was undeniable that after he sat down, the feeling of weakness in his legs and waist had eased up a lot.

Although she was embarrassed and angry at this time, she couldn't help but feel lucky----fortunately, she didn't have to stand on such a high platform. Otherwise, she might have been frozen into a popsicle.

Ruan Mengmeng did not realize that li junyu had already noticed her 'menstrual pain'.