Chapter 1254-beating up the 'financier'

Of course, it was impossible for ruan Jiaojiao to quit the role.

Putting aside the fact that every actress who had acted in master Andre's play had become popular, she herself was reluctant to give up this opportunity.

Even if she really refused, the director at the side would also stop her.

This was master Andre's movie. The master had taken a fancy to three girls from the wisdom Academy of Drama and let them play the first, second, and third female lead.

This was equivalent to letting their Drama Academy take care of half of the production for this new film.

If anyone missed such a good opportunity, Associate Hospital director Wang would make them drop out of school!

"Don't worry, Hank," director Wang said enthusiastically,"I'll get them to sign the contract with you. By the way, have you children signed with any management company?"