Li junyu was so angry that his face darkened, but he did not dare to get angry at her

After hanging up, ruan Mengmeng had just picked up the script when her phone rang again.

But this time, it wasn't an incoming call, but a text message from the man.

[ you don't have to worry about what's happening outside. I'll handle it for you. Have a good rest. ]

Ruan Mengmeng was very unhappy with the text message.

She did not need li junyu's help to deal with it.

Who was he? he was the young master of the Li family. If he helped her deal with it, what would others think if they knew?

Ruan Mengmeng had completely let go of the conversation they had at the coffee shop.

Since the reason li junyu broke up with her was not because of his so-called 'self-preservation', she had no more complaints.

If he wanted to break up, then so be it.

He let go of her hand and could no longer hold it.

She had already experienced the pain and hurt that she deserved. Now, she could finally face him openly and as if nothing had happened.