The second time he bit her

"Wu, let go Yingluo, let go of me Yingluo"

Ruan Mengmeng struggled with all her might, trying to escape from li junyu's iron-like embrace.

Fortunately, according to the script, Qin Xin was just about to react to Jun Wu Xie's strong intimacy.

Although she admired Jun Wu Xie, but she had been hurt by Jun Wu Xie's wild and rough actions.

What's more, Qin Xin was just an inexperienced girl raised in the boudoir. Even when she saved Jun Wu Xie in the back mountain, it was only the first time she touched the body of the opposite sex when she was treating her wound.

Everything was done to the point where treatment was the main priority.

She had never been so close to a male stranger.

Therefore, ruan Mengmeng's desire to run away and her angry and wronged resistance matched Qin Xin's current mood and lines.

I won't let go. You're my woman, Yingluo, " the man said in a low voice, his voice hoarse and deep.