The young girl looked at the reporters as if she was looking at an idiot

However, the expected ruan Mengmeng to be flustered or even angry at the reporters 'questions did not happen.

The young girl, who was being chased and blocked by many microphones and cameras, tilted her head slightly and looked up at the camera.

A strand of hair fell from her forehead and covered her soft and beautiful almond-shaped eyes, making her eyes moist and hazy.

It was this one look that almost made the staff carrying the camera blush.

On the internet, the audience who was watching the live interview was also shocked.

On Weibo in the live broadcast room, countless comments flashed by-

[ Oh my God, this girl is so pretty. No wonder she has so many top resources as soon as she debuted! ]

[ Hmph, what's the use of being beautiful? she's so black-hearted, this kind of woman is a poisonous beauty. ]

[ I'm convinced by his looks, but he's too bad-hearted and can't be loved. Sigh, what a pity. ]