Let Mengmeng tell li junyu the truth directly

From the moment Shen LAN appeared, she kept saying 'make ruan Mengmeng leave li junyu'.

At first, Chen Qingzhi thought that Shen LAN was deliberately looking for trouble and didn't take it seriously.

However, the more he listened, the more he felt that something was wrong.

Mengmeng had indeed dated li junyu in private before, but that was a long time ago. They had broken up a long time ago, so why did Shen LAN have to come to her house at this time to say this?

Chen Qingzhi had doubts in her heart, but she did not show it on her face.

She responded coldly, " what you said is so funny. Whether li yaoyang believes it or not, whether li junyu believes it or not, whether the rest of the Li family believes it or not, we can only decide after they hear about what you and old Mrs. Li have done.