Brother Zhang's small gift

Faced with the possibility of a 'tragedy in the lounge', ruan Mengmeng had no choice but to slowly, slowly, slowly stuff the little thing in her hand into li junyu's palm.

When the man saw the small thing that ruan Mengmeng had placed in his palm, his sharp dark brows could not help but knit together.

"What is this?" Li junyu's voice was low and cold.

"It's Yingluo. Yingluo, brother Zhang gave it to me as a gift."

Brother Zhang, ha, what an intimate way of addressing him.

Li junyu's dark eyes darkened, and he bit ruan Mengmeng's soft lips as punishment.

li junyu, are you born in the Year of the Dog?!

"I'm not born in the Year of the Dog, I'm born in the year of the wolf. I'm the kind of Wolf that will eat people. Qianqian, do you want to try?" As the man spoke, his sexy thin lips bit her lips, nibbling and kissing her, never leaving.