The real retribution

what did you just say?!

Everyone was shocked. They couldn't help but turn around and look in the direction of the sound.

An unexpected figure appeared outside the living room.

"Auntie li?" When ruan Mengmeng saw the figure clearly, she was just as shocked as the others.

Auntie li was an old servant of the ruan family and had come to the ruan family a long time ago.

In the beginning, she was in charge of taking care of the pregnant Chen Qingzhi. Later, because her cooking was so good that grandfather ruan liked it, he let her take charge of the kitchen.

For so many years, even if Qin Fang had schemed and replaced many of the old servants, she would not have been able to do so.

However, because the ruan family loved Auntie Li's cooking, Qin Fang could not find an opportunity to get rid of the thorn in Auntie Li's side, even though she was always on ruan Mengmeng's side.