Don't even let li junyu see ruan Mengmeng

"Xiaomei, what did you say? Yingluo, don't spout nonsense!" At this crucial moment, Cao Meifeng was still smart. She knew that Qin Fang was the CAO family's pillar of support. She must not fall.

She had just been pushed by Madame ruan and hurt her waist. She could only stand up in pain and try to make Cao Mei shut up.

However, Cao Mei said, " I'm not talking nonsense, officer. I'm Qin Fang's cousin. I can prove that my cousin, Qin Fang, was here just now and said it in front of everyone. It's not just me, the others heard it as well. If you don't believe me, you can ask."

At that moment, ruan Xueqin and Madame ruan also reacted.

Ruan Xueqin immediately grabbed the police and cried, even though her hair was as messy as Qin Fang's.

Madame ruan's reaction was even more exaggerated. She sat on the ground and cried.