Oh my God, his big brother actually brought a woman back!

big brother, you've misunderstood Yingluo. I think Sansan is too thin and I'm afraid it's malnourished. I'm feeding it meat!

The fierce peacock's expression changed instantly. He turned his head and was about to hug his brother's thigh and cry.

However, as soon as she turned around, second young master Li, who was still very good at acting, didn't care about his image at all in the next second.

His eyes and mouth were wide open, and his jaw almost dropped to the ground. He looked at the man standing behind him with a dumbfounded expression.

He wondered what his Ice Mountain was holding in his arms!

Li Junting suspected that he had seen wrongly!

The thing in his big brother's arms, wrapped tightly in a black coat and only revealing two small white feet, was a woman, right?

"Big brother, what are you holding in your arms? The hell, you actually brought a woman back!"

At this moment, li Peacock could not care about anything else.