Why did you break up in the first place

"Why are you crying?"

Mr. Tyrant, who had wanted to press Mrs. Li on the bed and eat her a second ago, instantly dispelled all his evil thoughts.

He furrowed his brows and pulled his heart, which was biting his lower lip and holding back tears, into his arms.

"Don't cry anymore, Yingluo. At most, I promise I won't bully you when I wake up in the morning." Li junyu was at a loss for what to do. He patted ruan Mengmeng's soft head and coaxed her in a low voice.

Ruan Mengmeng was in his arms, her little face nestled on his shoulder, right in front of the teeth marks she had made yesterday.

The young girl was reminded of her most heartbreaking past on her last birthday, and she had no intention of paying any more attention to li junyu.

But she was only willing to talk to him when she saw the teeth marks that were deep in his flesh.

"It has nothing to do with this, Yingluo." The girl's voice was full of resentment.