She wants to go back to her parents "home

Outside the door of li garden, the invisible smoke was rolling.

The president of war victory led his personal guards and personally carried a rocket launcher to block the gate of li garden.

The Li family's bodyguards, led by Ling Nan, stood in four rows, forming a human wall to block the president's path.

The president of war victory held a rocket launcher in his right hand and was facing li garden mansion. After waiting for a long time, the Butler who said he would go in to report did not come out. He did not see any figure of his precious granddaughter, so he became a little impatient.

"Internal servant, tell the Second Battalion commander to pull out my dumby cannon-" the battle armor President shouted.

"Mr. President, please don't be angry. The Second Battalion commander has already retired from the military and gone home to take care of his great-grandson." Besides, you're the president of a country now. It'll be bad for you if you really bring a cannon over!"