He, li junyu, belongs to ruan Mengmeng

The young girl was too embarrassed to raise her head.

However, li junyu did not let her off.

Such an occasion was exactly what tyrant wanted.

He had not intended to attend the banquet at first, but after he heard from li Junting that his young wife had come to the banquet, li junyu immediately rushed over.

Jing Yichen and his partner were all irrelevant people.

He wanted everyone to know that he, li junyu, belonged to ruan Mengmeng.

Li junyu picked up the little woman who was still buried in his arms and headed to the Li family's resting area.

He naturally couldn't sit with the Bo family.

He did not like Bo Hanyuan now.

He could not go to the Zhan family either.

Apart from li Junting, Jing Yitian and Shen Yu looked at Mengmeng with Wolf-like eyes.

Only the Li family's seats were reserved for Shen LAN and that idiot li Jinghui.

Li junyu carried his woman in his arms and strode to the Li family's rest area.