Chapter 1520-call the Zhan family out

Duan Yi 'er, who was constantly retreating, did not notice the situation behind her.

When the heel of her seven-inch high heels hit something hard, she twisted her foot.

She had no time to control her body's balance.

Duan Yi 'er's body, which had lost its balance, swayed back and forth.

However, her twisted ankle was clearly unable to support her weight.

Seeing that her body was about to slip and fall, Duan Yi 'er panicked. Without thinking, she instinctively reached out and grabbed Mrs. Duan, who was standing in front of her.


The bar counter, which was filled with red wine, champagne, and goblets, was knocked down by Duan Yi 'er and Mrs. Duan.

The two rich ladies in expensive gowns fell and sat among the glass shards.

She had just knocked over the bar counter by the dance floor, and then she had been knocked down by the bar counter. Now, she was sitting on the dance floor, which was full of glass fragments.