Young Madam li?

"There's no need to go through so much trouble, Yingluo."

Ruan Mengmeng's voice was soft and gentle, and there was even a hint of a smile in it as she interrupted the old lady.

She leaned against the sofa's armrest, raised her almond-shaped eyes slightly, and shook her long, white legs. "You care about this place, but I don't. I didn't want to stay anyway. If old Madam li wants me to leave, she can just let me know. Also, the one who wants me to be the young Madam is your eldest grandson, not me. To be honest, even if li junyu had given me this seat, I wouldn't have wanted to take it. "

Ruan Mengmeng had sneaked out of the bedroom to escape.

She had not forgotten the mission she was carrying on her shoulders. Besides, she could not afford to give li junyu any promises now.

It was just that when they were in bed earlier, she had been seduced by li junyu in a daze, causing her to agree to his request without any principles, and to be responsible for him.