What did she do to let him down?

"Clang!" The silver ornament in the inner attendant's hand fell to the ground.

By the time he came back to his senses, he only saw the man's tall and straight back carrying his miss Mengmeng and disappearing at the end of the long corridor.

At this moment, the internal attendant was filled with mixed feelings.

What the hell, what should I do, what should I do?

Tell Mr. President-no!

Mr. President's injuries had not recovered yet. If he knew that miss Mengmeng had brought young master Li back to the presidential palace and hidden him as a 'male pet', the wound that had just been stitched up would probably burst open.

However, if she didn't tell Mr. President, she would be in trouble at the husband-selecting banquet tomorrow.

Oh my, the internal attendant suddenly felt caught in a dilemma, and his head almost exploded.