The president's granddaughter

Mr. President, you saw it, right? this is a shameless girl, Yingluo, who publicly bullied general Zhou's and my daughter at your banquet. Mr. President, you have to stand up for us and throw this shameless girl out.

Qin Fang took the opportunity to get closer.

She was now the wife of a Grand General, and she was no longer someone that ruan Mengmeng could bully.

Ruan Jiaojiao was in so much pain that she couldn't speak. Qin Fang was busy smearing ruan Mengmeng's name and didn't realize that President Zhan Kai had shouted 'Mengmeng'.

This was clearly a form of address that only acquaintances would use.

As for Zhou Zhengji, he didn't know ruan Mengmeng's identity and didn't notice this.

Qin Fang noticed that everyone's attention was on her.