All men are big pig trotters

what did you just say?!

Miao qiugui's slightly aged eyes suddenly widened.

She raised her eyes and glared at li junyu, her face full of disbelief. "What did you just say? say it again if you dare!"

Although Miao qiugui was old, her body had always been strong. At that moment, ruan Mengmeng even felt that if there was a vegetable knife here, her grandmother would definitely fight li junyu with it.

Grandma was furious.

However, at this time, not only did a certain tyrant not stop worrying, but he also did not go along with grandma's words.

Instead, his face sank and he showed a serious expression. "I said that I'll listen to you, grandma. Mengmeng and I can go and settle the divorce procedures immediately. As for the child in Mengmeng's stomach, it's all up to you to decide whether to abort or keep it. "