How are you going to give Mengmeng happiness?

Take responsibility for his Yingluo?

Ruan Mengmeng's head was hurting.

Why was her grandfather like this? why was her grandmother like this too? both of them were clamoring for her to take responsibility for li junyu.

"Mengmeng, remember grandma's words. Alright, let grandma take a look at how long Yingluo has been pregnant for. What did the doctor say?"

The words that ruan Mengmeng wanted to say were all blocked by old Madam Miao.

With old Madam Miao's head raised, President Zhan Kai also remembered this matter and quickly asked.

Ruan Mengmeng's pregnancy was a big deal, and he was worried about her getting a full body checkup overseas. The president even planned to get his own personal medical team to do a thorough checkup on his granddaughter.

"Mama is pregnant!" Little Mianmian, who was sitting on the side eating cake, heard the adults 'conversation and also came over at this time.