Back then, the video

The screen on the phone stopped at a video.

When Chen Qingzhi took the phone, she glanced at the not-so-clear paused image on the screen and frowned slightly.

"What is this?" Chen Qingzhi asked suspiciously.

"You'll understand once you see it," li junyu's expression was cold and solemn.

She would understand after reading it?

What video could have anything to do with li junyu's determination?

Chen Qingzhi's mind was spinning. She did not want to fall into li junyu's trap, but she also had a vague feeling that the things in the phone seemed to be very important.

After some hesitation, she finally raised her slender index finger and pressed the play button.


The black-and-white screen was from top to bottom, and the image on the screen was an empty staircase corridor.

From the shooting angle, it looked like a video monitor placed in the corridor.

this place is so familiar, Yingluo. Chen Qingzhi's lips trembled as she muttered.