Back then, he poisoned her

Ruan Mengmeng's soft body was deeply embedded in the man's embrace.

The fragrance of her hair was right at the tip of his nose. Her soft little hand was still firmly holding onto his waist. The two of them were in such an intimate position, just like before.

Li junyu, on the other hand, stood stiffly on the spot, his back straight.

He opened his arms reflexively and caught the little woman who was pouncing at him.

He was as calm as a tyrant, and even at this time, he did not have the confidence to face his little wife who had suddenly found out the truth.

He did not know if Mengmeng could accept this truth.

He was afraid that she would be sad, sad, and in a dilemma. He was afraid that she would be hurt by Chen Qing's actions, and he was even more afraid that she would feel guilty.

Yes, li junyu was most afraid of ruan Mengmeng feeling guilty.