Chapter 62 two-faced tyrant, reconciliation


Ruan Mengmeng couldn't help but laugh out loud when she saw the news report about old master Li.

The actress, internet celebrity, and the president's granddaughter Yingluo were all talking about the same person in the report, which was her.

Old master Li was really great. He wanted one and not the other two. He was really a capitalist, judging his future granddaughter-in-law by her family background.

Ruan Mengmeng's lips curved into a smile and she turned off her phone.

She really didn't have a good impression of this kind of old man who only judged a person based on family background.

At this moment, little yueze came out of the bathroom after washing up.

Ruan Mengmeng looked at the boy who was still wearing his pajamas and could not help but smile.

His soft black hair and dark blue eyes made him look cold and indifferent, but after he put on his pajamas, the lines on his face softened a lot.