My surname is Zhan, and my full name is Zhan Mengmeng

"Ruan Mengmeng, you're toying with us like monkeys!"

In the crowd, the reporter who had just raised the question finally burst out in anger.

He felt that his intelligence had been humiliated. Ruan Mengmeng had humiliated him.

He didn't care that there were many other online livestreamers at the scene and that his angry curses would be broadcast live on the internet.

The entertainment reporter who wanted to make a name for himself with this big piece of news questioned ruan Mengmeng sternly, " "Who doesn't know that young master Li is marrying a young lady from the Zhan family? the family name of the person he married into is Zhan, not ruan. Miss ruan, aren't you afraid that the President's House will come after you for your nonsense?"

"I'm not afraid." Ruan Mengmeng shook her head without even thinking.