The little bean in her stomach only knows how to ruin things even before she's born

"Mengmeng, their change in attitude towards you is only because of your identity, not because they have truly accepted you."

Li junyu's well-defined fingers caressed his little kitten's face and pinched it with a hint of punishment.

"Don't speak up for them anymore, they're not worthy."

Yes, he was not worthy.

Li junyu did not tell ruan Mengmeng that he had left the Li family in the first place as a way to force his family to accept his little wife.

However, after they left, he finally saw the true colors of his 'family'.

Let's not talk about the third branch for now, let's talk about the old master and old lady who had always doted on him.

On the surface, old master Li was trying to persuade him to go back, but in private, he had sent people to suppress his new company.

He thought that li junyu did not know about it, and even extended an olive branch to help him, hoping to change his eldest grandson's mind.