In the end, she still fell into darkness

At the filming set, in Shen Yu's personal resting room.

Ruan Mengmeng sat down on the sofa across from him and asked directly without beating around the bush, " "Mr. Huo, as far as I know, you have a good relationship with the Duan family's young master, Duan Qiyan. Why are you suddenly bringing up the Duan family? what do you want to say?"

Now, everyone knew that she was the granddaughter of Zhan Kai's President.

The battle armor's President only had one son, Zhan Yang, who in the eyes of outsiders had passed away many years ago.

Since ruan Mengmeng was the granddaughter of Zhan Kai's President, she was naturally Zhan Yang's daughter as well. However, she could not possibly be Duan xiuhui's child.

This was because everyone knew that Duan xiuhui and Zhan Yang had a son and a daughter. Other than that, they had no other children.

Therefore, anyone who used their brain would be able to guess that ruan Mengmeng and the Duan family had a tense relationship.