The night before the wedding II

These people had been picked up to the island early in the morning and were assigned to villas to rest.

However, they were all ruan Mengmeng's friends, so it was only natural that they would come over to mess with the bride and play with her.

At noon, fatty and the others arrived. In the afternoon, the rest of the people were also present.

Everyone was preparing to throw ruan Mengmeng a 'goodbye Bachelor' party in the villa.

Who would have thought that li junyu would not avoid suspicion and would suddenly 'kill' them on the night before the wedding?

Everyone present had seen first young master Li's 'sea of jealousy' before. They immediately hid in Miao qiugui's room on the second floor, not daring to make a sound.

It was only now that li junyu had left that they swarmed down.

Jing xiangjin: " Mengmeng, why are you sleeping? come and play cards. It's only eight o 'clock. How can you sleep so early? "