How do you know she's a fake?

Li garden, in the study.

Li Junting and Li junche, who had just said that they were going back to their room to rest, sneaked in at the same time not long after li junyu entered the study.

"Big brother, big brother, is this Mengmeng really a fake? Are you sure you didn't make a mistake? But I'm guessing that she's most likely a fake. Looking at her interaction with Sansan, something's not right."

The moment li Peacock entered, he asked in a low voice.

Li junche followed behind her. The relaxed look he had on his handsome face when they were downstairs was gone, replaced by a hint of worry.

In the church, li junyu called a halt to the wedding because of li yaoyang's sudden appearance.

At that time, not only the president, the Chen family, and ruan Mengmeng's friends, but even li Junting and Li junche had expressed their opposition.

However, when li junyu 'reasoned' with these people who opposed him, they immediately became 'open-minded'.