Chapter 164 getting reprimanded

At eight o 'clock in the morning, other than little Junxi, the Li father and son were all present.

Li yaoyang sat in the main seat as usual, but unlike the harmonious breakfast scene he had in the past, he was frowning deeply and had an endless sorrow.

Li junyu sat in the second seat, and the little white dog Sansan followed beside him. It was snoring at the man's feet.

Li Junting and Li junche, who were left behind, sat opposite li junyu and only focused on eating.

There was a look of anticipation on the fierce peacock's face, as if he was waiting for something.

Li junche, on the other hand, filled his plate with doughnuts and cakes as usual.

After a while, uncle Zhao brought the servants to serve other breakfast.

'Ruan Mengmeng', who had woken up early in the morning to personally prepare breakfast for li yaoyang, appeared in the dining room with a bowl of shark's fin soup that she had specially made.