A woman who miscarried would eventually commit suicide from depression

On the other side, ruan Mengmeng had been grounded for almost two weeks as per Zhan Mo's orders.

Zhou Jiaojiao knew that Zhan mo seemed to be busy with something recently. Every day, he would leave early in the morning and return late with Zhou Zhengji. He had almost never asked about ruan Mengmeng.

This was good.

Zhan mo did not care. In the small villa, she had bribed the Butler, so no one would ask about ruan Mengmeng's condition.

Even a healthy person would not be able to take it after not eating for two weeks, let alone a pregnant woman.

The thought of li junyu's child slowly dying away in ruan Mengmeng's stomach made Zhou Jiaojiao feel the thrill of revenge.

Without the child, ruan Mengmeng would probably have a mental breakdown and lose her heart.

When that time came, she would ask the Butler to open the door and send ruan Mengmeng off when Zhan mo was not around.

In any case, ruan Mengmeng had not eaten for almost two weeks.