The bloodstains on ruan Mengmeng's body were a ghastly sight

"Young master mo, the sound is coming from miss ruan's room on the second floor. It ... It sounds like the Butler's voice, Yingluo."

The security guard at the door reported in a low voice.

Zhan Mo's face grew colder and colder as he listened. In the end, he did not dare to continue.

"Let's go up and take a look." Zhan Mo's already extremely gloomy face was covered with frost.

He strode into the small villa.

When he heard his subordinate confirm that the scream came from ruan Mengmeng's room, he suppressed the strange feeling rising in his chest, but the uneasiness in his heart gradually grew.


When Zhan mo arrived at the room on the second floor, the guards outside the door were banging on the door.

The door had been locked from the inside. Even if he had the key, he couldn't open it.

"Get out of the way." Zhan Mo's eyes darkened. He stepped forward and kicked open the wooden door that had been motionless.