Not putting Zhan mo in his eyes at all

Ruan Mengmeng's indignant voice had just been heard outside the study room, but it disappeared after a while.

Zhan mo, who had already locked the door of the study, finally obtained a moment of peace and quiet. He should be satisfied at this time.

However, Yingluo

He knew that ruan Mengmeng hated being followed around by Zhan qingze. Based on his understanding of ruan Mengmeng these days, she wasn't someone who would give up after saying a few words to Zhan qingze.

Why was there no sound outside the door?

With Zhan Mo's cold personality, he would never let his thoughts run wild.

Now, however, he could not calm down and his thoughts were being pulled by ruan Mengmeng.

Finally, after sitting there for two minutes, the man got up and opened the study door.

The girl who had been making a ruckus outside his door had disappeared, and the entire corridor was empty.