He didn't even realize that he was gradually changing

Although the man's aura was still cold and heavy, his attitude was slightly different from the last time.

Previously, ruan Mengmeng had only touched a few of Zhan Jia 'er's' treasured photos 'and was locked up by Zhan mo. He had even ordered the Butler to reduce her food intake and only send her two meals a day.

It was because of this that it gave Butler Wang an opportunity to 'kill' ruan Mengmeng with Zhou Jiaojiao's help.

But this time, other than a 'stern warning', war desert did not give any further punishment.

However, ruan Mengmeng did not seem to be willing to listen to Zhan Mo's words.

As soon as he finished speaking, the little woman he put down took two steps to the side.

'Bang, bang, bang-'

In front of Zhan mo, ruan Mengmeng kicked the small study room three times. The heavy wooden door that had just been locked by the Butler fell to the ground.

The dumbfounded Butler was speechless.