Chapter 199: Zhan mo is back, injured

That night, Zhan mo did not accompany ruan Mengmeng for a walk, which was a rare sight.

He had something to do at the last minute and had not returned.

However, because Zhan qingze had always been by ruan Mengmeng's side, no matter how many times she tried to send him away, she was unable to succeed.

When ruan Mengmeng saw Mr. Winston outside the window, she wanted to talk to him but did not have the chance.

However, Winston had been secretly observing these days.

Knowing that miss Mengmeng was doing well here, he would always be able to make young master Li and young master ZE feel more at ease when he returned the favor.

In the small villa, in Zhan Mo's room.

The housekeeper, nanny Zhou, and a few servants were trying their best to persuade ruan Mengmeng, who refused to sleep.

miss ruan, you should get some rest. Xuxu, young master mo must have been held up by something. He'll be back soon.