Ruan Mianmian is in my hands now

In other words, if the bone marrow in Zhan Jia 'er's sternum was extracted, diluted, and injected into her heart wall, the insufficient blood supply to the heart would be alleviated.

Each extraction and injection could last for at least 10 months.

Zhan mo looked at ruan Mengmeng and said,"furthermore, the most important thing is that bone marrow extraction is harmless to the human body. Bone marrow has a very strong regenerative ability." As you can see, ruan Mianmian's bone marrow matches Jia 'er's, so ran ran should help Jia' er."

"Dear, dear, dear!"

Ruan Mengmeng had never wanted to kill Zhan Jia 'er as much as she did now.

She forced herself to calm down and tensed up her whole body, but she still couldn't calm down.

"This kind of thing can clearly be done by extracting Zhan Jia 'er's own bone marrow. Why do you need to do it continuously? What you're doing is simply selfish!"

Finally, the woman standing at the door exploded.