She stretched out her arms from behind and wrapped them tightly around li junyu's waist

Just as Zhan Jia 'er was feeling puzzled, a' Kacha 'sound suddenly came from outside.

The doorknob turned. Li junyu was about to come in!

Zhan Jia 'er's eyes were slightly open as she stared at the door, her heart beating rapidly.

The next moment, the bedroom door was opened from the outside, and a tall and slender figure appeared in the direction of the door.

The room was dark, but the light from the corridor outside shone in.

The man was standing at the door with his back facing the light, so no one could see his face clearly. But Zhan Jia 'er, who was hiding on the bed, could not hide the excitement in her heart.

Such broad shoulders, narrow waist, and long legs.

Zhan Jia 'er was hiding under the blanket, her hands tugging at the corners of the blanket, looking slightly agitated.