Zhan Jia 'er, wait to be slapped in the face

When Zhan mo heard ruan Mengmeng's accusation, he was stunned for a few seconds before he explained in a low voice,"You've misunderstood. I've never arranged such a thing for Jia 'er."

Before ruan Mengmeng arrived, Zhan mo had just received a call from the police station.

The police had already briefly explained to him what had happened in the early hours of the previous day.

According to the police, as the victim, Jia 'er's emotions were very unstable. It was only just now that he was willing to give his phone number and let the police contact him.

Zhan mo had just informed his lawyer and was preparing to rush over.

He knew that li junyu was involved in this matter, so he did not want ruan Mengmeng to know about it. Who knew that ruan Mengmeng would stop him when she saw the newspaper?