Taken away by the police

In Zhan Mo's heart, when he saw this video, the thing that he was most disappointed with Zhan Jia 'er was not his sister's seduction with the veil on her face.

It was also not the look of her holding a man and using all her strength to dawdle.

What he was most disappointed in was Zhan Jia 'er's cowardice and hypocrisy.

If he wanted it, he had to do it openly, even if the means were cruel, even if he was despised by the world.

They didn't care about those people, so what if they despised them?

Ordinary people like ants could not move them at all.

This was Zhan Mo's confidence and pride.

What he had done was done, and he would do anything to achieve his goal. It was the choice of the winner and the loser.

However, Jill's words disappointed him.

She was actually like those despicable, weak, and despicable people who he despised, fabricating, twisting, and not daring to admit it.