Chapter 258 setting war sun on fire

Li junyu's words brought tears to the eyes of the audience who were watching the live broadcast behind the camera.

Yes, he could ignore everything else.

However, if Zhan Bao was Zhan Yang, how could he face the president?

The war victory President was the most loved President since the founding of S country.

He was a great president, a President who lived for the people.

Many old people remembered that when the only son of the war God's President passed away, Mr. President had to attend the diplomatic meeting.

During that period, Mr. President was clearly in poor health. He kept coughing and looked weak and Haggard, as if he had aged decades in an instant.

However, he attended the meeting as usual during the day and left the venue when the sun set, leaving behind a lonely and sorrowful back in the camera.

Everyone knew that the president's only son had died.

His daughter-in-law had taken away a pair of grandchildren.